Month: August 2012

  • school time again

    hard to believe school begins in a week.  there are children heading to preschool, kindergarten, high school, college, grad school.  I am looking forward to the routine and schedule of it all.  The garden is doing well ONLY because I watered it every other day for most of July which means our water bill is higher than usual. The water department called asking if we  had a leak.  I thanked the lady and said, No – I watered the garden.  She laughed.  I was glad to know the city would call when they see an unusually higher bill than normal. 

    Here is the asparagus from the spring.. then the impatiens with mint, and potted flowers on the deck. I will get more picks from the garden loaded later. Tomatoes are coming on like crazy and I think I will be canning for a few weeks. So grateful for the food.  I am also digging potatoes right now, they are small and I think I will be canning them also. Got the freezer cleaned a few weeks ago and canned all the chicken that was in there. I actually had forgotten some of it so it needed to go.  We have elderberries that need to be picked and stemmed before the birds get them all.  I will probably make syrup to can.
    Sam did a 500 mile ride this summer from Cincy to DC for human trafficking.  I will try to get pics up from that too.  The girls and I went to DC to watch them all ride into the Lincoln Memorial. We had a great time, stayed with some great friends from church and went into DC to the Holocaust Museum.  It wasn’t there when I lived there.  So much  has changed there, even on the Mall. 
    Need to get going, blessings all!!!